Access response from ILP over HTTP

How can the HTTP response be accessed from the .NET client? The following is stated in the description of the sender.SendAsync(): If the protocol is HTTP, this will return request and response information.

Upon failure, an exception of type IngressError is thrown. The SendAsync() has no return value.

I would like to know if there’s a way to access the response when it succeeds, thank you!

We don’t keep the response around, perhaps you could explain a bit more about what you are aiming to achieve, and we can see what we can do!

I just wanted to know if there is a return value. You have answered my question, thank you!

No problem. We could add one, if needed :slight_smile:

Does the successful ILP over HTTP response mean that the row was inserted, or only that it reached the database?
A return value would only make sense if it could tell if a row was deduplicated, or inserted, otherwise I don’t see any value in returning anything.

It means that the rows were committed to WAL, but not yet visible for reads. Dedup would not have occurred at that point.

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